Rule changes starting in 2023


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I like the potential for more base stealing and who would not want to see less injuries. Restricting defensive shifts though to creat a more traditional aesthetic? I am not sure looks should outweigh strategy.


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I like things the way they are, it's worked for how many decades? Not just this, but I'm getting tired of all the snowflakes who want to change everything that has happened, just to suit their pathetic feelings.


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For as much as I always did not like the DH let alone the Universal DH this year, it really has not been all that terrible. I just don't like change for the sake of change. The expression is if it is not broke, don't fix it. I really do not think that baseball was broke. Were there 4+ hours games that went 0-0 into the bottom of the 14 inning? Occasionally a couple of tiems a year, sure. That is just competitive baseball. Just because some people complain that the games are too long and lack exciting offence does not mean the game is broken and in need of fixing.