A Review of the Film, 42


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Blog Introduction: 42 is a biographical sports film that tells the story of Jackie Robinson, who famously became the first African-American Major League Baseball player in 1947. Directed by Brian Helgeland and starring Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford, and Christopher Meloni, 42 chronicles Robinson's journey as he battles through racism and prejudice to become an icon of baseball history.

The movie follows Jackie Robinson (Boseman) from his college days at UCLA until his breakthrough season with the Brooklyn Dodgers. The film does an excellent job at portraying the racism and bigotry that existed in baseball during this time period. From verbal abuse from opposing players and fans to being denied access to certain facilities and hotels, Robinson had to face it all on a daily basis. However, despite all these challenges, Robinson never backed down and instead embraced them head on. This is shown best through his interactions with Branch Rickey (Ford), the general manager of the Dodgers who was determined to break MLB’s color barrier. In many scenes in the movie they are seen debating whether or not Robinson should stand up for himself or remain quiet in order to succeed. These conversations also serve as a reminder of how far we have come since then regarding race relations in America.

The actors do an amazing job as well at conveying these complex issues. Boseman's performance as Jackie Robinson is especially noteworthy; he captures both Robinon’s frustrations with racism but also his determination to succeed no matter what obstacles were put before him. Similarly, Ford’s portrayal of Rickey is one that shows us both sides of Rickey; his tough exterior but also his compassion for others and desire for justice. All these elements combine together to make for a gripping story about one man’s courage in the face of adversity that can be enjoyed by baseball fans both young and old alike.

Overall, 42 is an inspiring movie about courage and perseverance that anyone can enjoy regardless if they are a fan of baseball or not. It showcases one man’s remarkable journey towards achieving greatness while simultaneously highlighting our nation’s long struggle against racial injustice during this time period in our history. From its excellent acting performances to its powerful message about standing up for what you believe in despite all odds, this movie is sure to leave you feeling inspired after watching it! So be sure to check out 42 when it comes out!


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This is one of my favorite movies. Also is one of the reasons I have started picking up a few modern Robinson cards.